Easter nests for the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
One of the founding ideas of IntensivZeit e.V. was to make the day to day life of an intensive care unit for children more transparent to the outside. We wanted to make it visible for children and their families. Furthermore, we wished to inspire young women and men to potentially work at an pediatric intensive care unit in the future. We believe that we made all of that happen for Easter 2022. Annika, a former patient at the pediatric intensive care unit, who is indirectly responsible for the founding of IntensivZeit e.V. worked together with her school class of the Christian School Niedersedlitz on creating easter nests out of felt. They felt like they could not bring joy to the children in intensive care through candy or flowers and therefore created colorful nests with small figures and greetings. This way the children that could not celebrate easter at home had some easter joy in the hospital. The students collected donations and created the felt nests, eggs, penguins and other funny figures themselves.
On sunny April 13th 2022 these were given to the Head nurse Marion Sommerfeld and the Head of the Pediatic Intensive Care Unit Prof. Brenner and they brought the nests and figures to the children in the ward. Everybody was delighted! Due to the pandemic related visitor restrictions the students themselves were not allowed on the ward at that time. Instead a intensive care unit quiz was set up for the students, which passed with flying colors. We suspect many young experts and potential candidates for the work at the pediatric intensive care unit were already present. In the following discussion with the students many other great ideas came up including offers of being PenPals for the sick children. This shows us once more – we need to listen to the children! A special thanks to the students of 'Christliche Schule Niedersedlitz; and their teacher Miss Winter.
If you have a similar or also quite different idea for a project to give the sick children some joy please write us an email via info@intensivzeit.de